About Us

Booknet opened its doors in 1997 with a mission to supply high quality and timely information. We are a leading information service provider. Our coverage goes from A to Z in the fields of Medicine, Nursing, Science, Engineering, Business Management, Administration, Social Sciences, Agriculture and much much more.
As well as representing the world’s leading publishers, Booknet consist of reprints, proprietary publications, and translations, which we bring to you at special low prices and electronic resources including research databases, e-books, e-journals and e-learning solutions to both the public and private sectors in Thailand.
Our Core Customers
Our core customers are academic institutions and libraries — although in recent years we have expanded into healthcare, government, research and corporate markets.
iGroup Company
Booknet is a member of iGroup, the information provider for the Asia-Pacific. The iGroup has the resources to develop, continuously review and upgrade competencies, keeping pace with the fast changing information scene.